If I open it with Archive Manager, the contents are all files with underscores as names, of varying lengths (_, _, _, etc). In this case, it does create an ISO image, but it's a pretty weird one. How does one back up a CD like this? I usually do something like `dd if=/dev/cdrom of=TombRaider.iso`. CDA files from the audio track, and one containing the files from the data track. Two different CD devices were mounted, one containing all the. Well, putting the CD into a Linux (Ubuntu) computer showed both tracks. So, when putting the CD into a music player it would play the audio track, but putting it into a (Windows 95) computer would show the data track. It's one of those games from the mid-90s that contained a data track that was separate from an audio track. It's old and beat up so I want to duplicate it to a newer CD, and/or play it directly from an ISO using DOSBox.

I have an old retail CD of the original Tomb Raider game for DOS (Windows 95 era).

I'm wondering if anyone can help me out with this: